Cambodia's Prime Minister Hun Sen said Thai troops had entered his country and on Tuesday issued an ultimatum for them to leave or risk conflict. 柬埔寨总理洪森说,泰国部队已进入柬埔寨境内,并在星期二发出最后通牒要求泰国部队立即离开,否则面临冲突。
The Independent says the prime minister's speech on Wednesday morning will risk antagonising his hosts. 独立报称,首相周三早上的演说可能会引起中国的反感。
Study finds KMV model is applicable to listed companies in China's textile industry to measure credit risk, sub prime crisis had a significant impact on the credit risk of listed companies. 研究发现KMV模型适用于我国纺织业上市公司的信用风险衡量,次贷危机对上市公司信用风险产生了显著的影响。
The male-specific Y chromosome is a prime genetic suspect in AAA development, possibly acting as an independent risk factor. 男性特有的Y染色体是AAA发展当中首要的遗传学候选因素,可能扮演一个独立的风险因子。
Analysts say that, for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, the nuclear pact is important enough to risk his government. 分析人士认为,对于印度总理辛格来说,这项核协议太重要了,以至于他宁愿拿他的政府去冒风险。
Prime markets in the emerging world appeared sheltered in 2007, he says. Now there is a growing risk of oversupply together with price bubbles growing in Asia. 2007年,新兴市场豪宅市场似乎受到了保护,他表示,如今,这里出现了越来越多的供应过量的风险,同时亚洲市场的价格泡沫也在不断增大。
Evaluating credit risk rating has been one of prime content of credit risk management of residential mortgage loans, and there is trend that evaluating credit risk rating with scientific and quantitative methods. 对住房抵押贷款的信用风险等级的评估已经成为住房抵押贷款信用风险管理的主要内容之一,运用科学的、定量的信用风险分析模型对借款人的信用风险进行评定已是大势所趋。
For a long time, credit risk is the most traditional and prime risk in the banking industry. From the data study of McKinsey, credit risk owned 60% in banking total risk. 长期以来,信用风险是银行业最传统、最主要的风险形式,据麦肯锡的数据研究,信用风险在银行总体风险中占比达60%。